Words of wisdom: Top 10 quotes from Sim Shagaya, Sarah Lacy, and Bosun Tijani at The Platform Tech

The Platform Tech hosted powerhouses Sim Shagaya – CEO of Konga, Bosun Tijani – Co-Founder and CEO of the Co-Creation Hub, and last but definitely not least Sarah Lacy – Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Pando.

Here are top 10 quotes and takeaways from the speakers:


Sarah Lacy

  • The biggest question that a startup founder needs to answer is “How bad do I want it?”
  • Two things lead to the death of a startup- “The company runs out of money or the founder gives up” Founders don’t give up!
  • No idea, no technical co-founder, no funding–All these are simply EXCUSES.
  • The Hallmark of good entrepreneurship is when you can admit your mistakes early enough.


Sim Shagaya

  • Your biggest source of funding is the customer, the investor will finance you for a while but the customer forever.
  • As you go on the journey, a lot of things will begin to make sense to you. It is important as an entrepreneur to just start.
  • As we learnt more, we decided to do something bolder, do something more ambitious, we decided to build a product that will give every Nigerian the opportunity to leverage on technology and that dream birthed the launch of our (Konga) Marketplace.
  • Bringing technology to Nigeria is one of the biggest decisions we had to make and today they are building some of the biggest things you will ever see.


Bosun Tijani

  • Make do with what you see around and see yourself making a huge success. We can all do something for our community, nation and ourselves without the government being involved. CREATIVTY IS THE KEY.
  • The focus for local entrepreneurs has to shift to creating value for society and rewards will come’

[Photo Credits: The Platform Facebook]

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