The Lean Startup Machine wants to help you build a successful startup in three days

“If I had nine hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first six sharpening my axe.” – Abraham Lincoln (Former US President)

This statement goes to show the importance of preparation before engaging in any task, including starting a new venture. Allow me introduce you to the Lean Startup Machine (LSM).

Lean Startup Machine is a practical training that teaches entrepreneurs/innovators to start their own companies using the methods from the book, ‘The Lean Startup’ by Eric Ries. It gives participants the skills needed to identify, test and get rid of the barriers to an effective business model. It also focuses on validation and the catchphrase “fail fast, succeed faster”.

So before starting work on that world changing idea/product, why not come and go through a global workshop that has been held 125 times in 40 cities, across six continents and has made an impact on the lives of not just one but over 7,650 entrepreneurs around the world.

The event which would run from May 16-18 and will feature Founders, CEOs, User Experience (UX) experts, Startup accelerator/incubator managers like: Francis Onwumere, Kenoma Agbamu, Marek Zmyslowski, Tayo Ajetunmobi, Olufunbi Falayi, Ahmad Mukoshi, Seye Soyode-Johnson, Tolu Agunbiade, Ugochi Ugbomeh, Nwachukwu Onyeaso, Wole Odetayo, Trevor Owens, and a keynote address by Tayo Oviosu, the CEO of Paga on the final day of the event.

So is it possible to “Build a successful business in 3 days”? Register and find out here. Bonus: You can be one of the lucky few to grab a slice of the early bird tickets (priced ₦15,000) before the standard price of ₦20,000 is introduced. And if that’s still too much, you can get a further 20% off by using the discount code lagos-20.

Now you have no excuse but to be there.

[Photo Credit: w4nd3rl0st (InspiredinDesMoines) via Compfight cc]

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