#Review: Keep Track of Your Figures With @NumerousApp

Numerous is a mobile app that allows you to track all sorts of numbers in your daily life. From the number of your twitter followers to the number of people who visit your website daily, all of these are in one place. You can say it is for stats-obsessive people and you won’t be totally wrong but it goes beyond that.



According to them, “we make your numbers available at a glance so you don’t have to dig for them. Whether it’s personal, business, or just fun, you can follow everything from sales and steps to supermoons.”


The overall UI of the app is nice, especially in portrait mode. It arranges all those numbers in box forms. You can add more screens by swiping to the left leaving you with a lot of space to keep all your numbers in nice-looking squares.


At the top, you can search for numbers to be added from popular categories like celestial events which includes stuff like the phases of the moon to the launch date of the next Star Wars movie and much more.


Numerous allows you to keep up with a lot of mundane numbers and stats but it is quite useful for people who have to keep up with a lot of figures. It has Google analytics integration, Facebook, Twitter so all your page views, follower and like numbers and the likes can come and meet you in a single slide.


The IFTTT integration take things to a whole new level and turns this into something more than just a number tracker. For example, it can email the person in charge of your social media if it has been more than a certain duration since your last social media update. So imagine all the recipes you can trigger based on figures from within Numerous.

Currency exchange rates, fitness records, CRM records, dates, social media figures all have a channel in this app. The app was only available in iOS version but now has an Android version.


We are increasingly tied to data and hence, more figures. From our increasing page views and social media audience to our sales records and fitness records, Numerous brings everything to a single, simple and very useful point. We no longer have to go several dashboards to keep track. Making sense of all that data is still something we still have to do ourselves but I see this happening in the future when it can track historical records so we can see trends from those records.

Meanwhile, this is an app you must definitely try out, at the very least. If you are lucky to have a Tesla, I have a feeling you will do more than just try the app.

Download – iOS | Android

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