RELOADED runs two contests to spotlight startups and track technology trends

There’s an old saying that talks about winking at a lady at night and not being noticed. The same is true for a tech startup that cannot get word out on the their target market in order to acquire customers, it will continue to stay on the sidelines with little or no hopes of scaling let alone an exit.

There’s an option anyway as our friends at RELOADED have put up a contest tagged #RELOADEDnutshell Challenge, a little online challenge for startups to compete for the chance to win a feature. It means, you do not have to be raised funds from investors or won any wars at battlefield. Simply describe your startup venture in 100 characters or less, and you will be featured on the Planet Reloaded website; and if your entry is really special you even get to be featured in a bigger way either online or in print (or just maybe both).

You can make your application by filling the short questionnaire here. There is no outright winner or loser in this contest as all good submissions will be featured.

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Tech Trend 2014

In addition to the #RELOADEDnutshell challenge, Planet Reloaded is also running a Tech Trends 2014 competition towards the next edition of its magazine. Winners get to enjoy a FREE subscription to MIT Technology Review. All you have to do is share your thoughts on the top tech trends that have and will disrupt Nigeria in 2014.

The best submission will be published in the next issue of RELOADED. More information on the contest can be found here.

[Photo Credit: Vincent_AF via Compfight cc]

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