On the subject of entrepreneurship, things are no different here

This is the second conversation in a series of six videos on entrepreneurship in Nigeria.

Meet Adebola Adeola, Co-Founder and CEO of Topup Genie/ iThena Logic, a technology company that’s making sure everyone gets airtime. Adebola thinks being an entrepreneur in Lagos is no different to any of the other major tech centres, like San Francisco, New York, London.

SEE ALSO: Nigeria – The world’s next startup frontier

Each place has its own specific nuances — opportunities and challenges. But, entrepreneurs, everywhere, face the same challenges – from attracting great talent to building your brand to making money.

At the end of the day, we are just entrepreneurs, we are all just people.


Nigeria Part 2: Things are No Different in Nigeria from Wolff Olins on Vimeo.

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