FastOrNot Lets You Make Informed Decision About Your ISPs

FastorNot is a cool new service that was recently released by the Co-creation Hub, which helps you compare ISP performance in your neighbourhood with data aggregation and analysis.

You can conduct a speed test of your own ISP and also compare with the data from other people who have done the same. You can also see the average cost per MB of your ISP, see which areas of Lagos have the fastest connection, which ISP people use most, amongst other things. FastOrNot also offers tips for you to maximise your data usage.

FastOrNot   Explore ISP performance across Lagos, Nigeria (1)

The limitation? The data available to the platform is still small but I can already imagine what the possibilities with a larger data set. For example, I refuse to believe that Spectranet is faster than Smile but then, that is what the data available to the platform said as at the time this was being written and Swift had the highest number of users with 78 out of 176 records they had. It is also still limited to Lagos, for now.

FastOrNot   Explore ISP performance across Lagos, Nigeria (2)

Fastest ISPs in Yaba, Lagos.

With this tool, more people and businesses can make informed decisions when shopping for an ISP and a data plan. Students or people generally can use the data for research that goes along the lines of the data that the platform has. Businesses can even decide where to situate their next branch due to the average speed available in an area of Lagos.

Have you tried the platform yet? Why don’t you give it a spin? It’s here. Let us know what you think in the comments when you have tried it.

PS: Make sure you are not downloading anything when you are testing it. 😉


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